Shine Bright in Kentucky

Shine Bright mural

This Shine Bright mural … how’s that for a #MondayMantra? I saw this when I was in Louisville, Kent., recently for a wedding. Steve’s and my cab drove by it downtown and I made a mental note to return to the wall. (It’s located on the same street as the Science Center, under the highway overpass. Sorry I don’t know the exact address, but hopefully you can find it if you’re in Louisville.) I loved how, well, bright the wall was and the sentiment to it. Some weeks it’s really hard, but seriously, isn’t it fun to shine bright? Externally through clothes, exuding from the inside, just shining. With this amazing fall weather we’ve been having it hasn’t been hard to shine, but I’ll definitely need to remember this Shine Bright mural once the winter months come around.

Shine Bright mural

Was your Monday pretty good? It’s Halloween so hopefully that shook up what can be an otherwise dreaded day. I know my office was bubbling over with Halloween spirit and friendly competition for the annual dip-or-treat. I made chocolate chip banana muffins, because I figured people needed something substantial to balance out all of those dips, right? Since we started the week off on such a good note, let’s hope it continues for the next four days!

Shine Bright mural
Shine Bright mural
Shine Bright mural
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    Sarah Lagen

    This bright wall is amazing! I hope you had such much in Louisville! 🙂

    xo, Sarah

    Kirsten Wick

    I’m in love with your blazer, will go with so many pieces. Great choice. Love, Kirsten


    what is the address of this street art that says “Shine Bright” in louisville,ky??

      Sincerely, Jennie

      I don’t know the address but it’s down the street from the children’science museum, under the highway.